案例简介 Case description
Asian design award winners
Client:Nanjing Byton Electric Vehicle Company Limited
Designer:ZhouYan, Zhang Guoliang, Yang Dan, Dai Wenjuan, Cao Yang
description:The project consists of 3 storeys with an atrium in the middle that divides the building into 2 independent parts on the north and the south sides respectively. “Tire tracks” that present elements specific to the industry are the highlight of the overall space. The design team introduced the flexible structure of city and organization form of transportation into the workspace, rendering the spacious house as a mini city that is full of energy and vitality. The image of Byton brand is abstracted to echo the element of “tire tracks”, combined with materials and colors that conform to the visual effects, all together forming the space.
1设计理念 以象征车辙痕迹的“迹”为概念贯穿空间始终,将流动的城市空间组织形式、车辆交通组织方式引入办公空间中,大平层宛若一座小城市,充满生机与活力。延续拜腾品牌标识和概念“迹”相互印证,并配合符合视觉标准的材质和配色,最终生成拜腾工厂区办公大楼的整体设计。 2 格局划分 本案是一栋三层的建筑,中庭一分为二,而中庭将南北两侧完全区分为两个独立的个体。基于使用人群的考量,inDeco对建筑内部清晰划分:一层为食堂、超市、医务、瑜伽、洽谈、会议以及展厅等对外开放的多功能区,二层为集中办公区。 3展厅设计 以流畅的线“迹”为核心开始展厅的设计,流动的光线随时间的更替在建筑内呈现出不同的痕迹,带有弧度的长梯延展出纵向的空间轨迹,大面积的水泥肌理奠定整座建筑简约工业化设计基调。 4中庭设计 将本该隐藏的楼梯设计成最显眼的存在。在动线上形成并强调一、二层的直接联系,且使空间充满独特的视觉张力;还在楼梯的尽头创造了一面巨大的天窗,建筑成为融合自然、建筑、人为一体的建构式体验空间。
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