案例简介 Case description
项目名称 / 藝·成(办公空间)
Project name / YICHENG
主案设计 / 郑 成
Design director / CHENG ZHENG
参与设计 / 艺 华
Assistant designer / YIHUA
摄影 / 初心
Photography / CHUXIN
项目地址 / 万达广场 1217室
Location / Wanda Plaza
材质 / MF(涂料) Behome(佰怡家)
MOFEIT(墨菲特) LANSHE(兰舍) KD(科定)
- 有光 有温度 更有感动 -
A space with light temperature and moving
Because of the identity of the designer, we have designed new homes, shops, and offices for many friends. The rhythm of the city is fast. For the new work and life, we hope that the space is warm, comfortable and natural.The studio is located in the Wanda office building. There is no such thing as a heavy sense of rituals, and only the leisure and self-satisfaction after the work.
The studio is two separate apartments. When I first saw this space, I fell in love with it. On both sides, the walls and the two sides of the window, the natural lighting is particularly comfortable. The only drawback is that the space is more cramped because the young people are free and casual. View, I don't like the work environment that is too serious, which makes me feel that work is very depressed, so we have to build a home-like design studio EC.
一艺之成 当尽毕生之力
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