“The most pleasant moment in winter is probably when it snows outside the window, the aroma of coffee is flowing into the nose mixed with the smell of books at hand, while a romantic old song comes into the ear.”
“一杯好喝的咖啡”,以这个看似简单的标准,却是对当下青年社交状态的探索。2020年Qing Coffee在北京潮流圣地三里屯选址开店,CUN寸DESIGN试图用强烈的造型语言打破原空间的平静,对原来的空间状态制造一次视觉冲突。
空间从入口以顶部镜面方式延伸至建筑内部,并模糊室外与室内的边界。Yohji Yamamoto曾说:“自己”这个东西是看不见的,撞上一些别的什么,反弹回来,才会了解“自己”。镜子这种设计材料的运用,不仅通过镜面反射扩大有限空间的视觉体验,并且营造出一个无限的空间,不断重复以至无穷远方的感受,或许会带给客人的这种感受是一种盗梦空间中的虚拟镜世界,梦幻与现实中的往来同存。空间除去门的另一自然光源入口,设计选择圆形窗进行内外对话。一定厚度的圆形窗口,创造的好奇感以吸引来来往往的人群注目,对内也成为每个到店顾客的打卡点。
Aesthetic, an artistic impulsion
Alexander Calder 亚历山大·考尔德一生都在不断探索关于时间和空间、物质和生命以及宇宙能量运动法则。他的动态雕塑构建起了一个个微观“宇宙”,以整个宇宙系统为基本形式,与空间、光线和空气的流动相互协调,随着作品的运动,时间也在流淌。我们钟爱考尔德的动态雕塑,球状动态雕塑在空间的运动使得空间更加温馨可爱。
The new retail space emphasizes not only the human behaviors and feelings in space, but also the spiritual status for a period of time. Circle is indispensable in the realm of spirit; this almost perfect shape is used to rearrange the structure in the space. Based on gray palette, the design makes the space more pure, so that people will pay more attention to products.
The entire space can be regarded as a virtual container of life style, and it also can be formed by the inversion of physical space. In order to showcase that the space is formed by the relative relationship between virtual and real, positive and negative, the wall divides the space into two parts in the layout. The left and right distinction of space aims to create two atmospheres of coffee tasting, that is casual gathering and urban fast life. The layout can satisfy the slow lifestyle for rest and coffee, and it can also meet the fast and refreshing needs of white-collar workers in the golden zone.
电影《2001太空漫游》Qing Coffee空间中旋转的灯盘装置来源于旋转的探测体,在空间里探索生命的美好相遇与温度。
The coffee operating area is the focal point of the space. The circular rotating art installation is placed corresponding to the bar counter. And only half of the installation is left with a light source, so that when tasting the coffee, each customer can have a different impression of the installation caused by different angles and light mappings. Combined with the only half of the mirror reflection, the space is no longer in a single dimension.
The similar design element is echoed in the 800mm-wide circular bar, which alleviates the depth of the original long space, forming three independent coffee operation areas: hand drip sharing area, cashier and dessert selection area, and Italian coffee making area. The selection of circular enables employees to take care of customer needs from any direction.
Encounter, the distance of a cup of coffee
电影爱在系列三部曲,男女主的相遇与漫谈伴随着咖啡,多年后任然记忆犹新。咖啡厅带来的是岁月静好,没有往事,也不必有未来,静默安然,只静静地倾听喜爱之人的说过的话语,像杯中咖啡一样细细研磨过的,水乳交融的细腻与丝滑柔顺。与其他三里屯商业商户不同,这里隔绝了城市的噪杂,与Qing Coffee LOGO拼接元素相近的地面拼接水磨石,让这里回归了无需雕琢的天然。
A trilogy of the movie Love in the series, the encounter and talk of the male and female protagonists are accompanied by coffee, which is still fresh in memory many years later. What the coffee shop brings is the peace and goodness of the times. There is no past, and there is no need to have a future. It is quiet and peaceful, and it quietly listens to the words spoken by the lovely people. Just like the finely ground coffee in a cup, it is delicate and smooth in complete harmony. Different from other shops in Sanlitun, it isolates the noise of the city. The splicing terrazzo floor with similar elements of the brand logo makes it a natural place without carving.
The design of the seating area avoids unnecessary shapes and stacking materials. In the process of dispersion and reorganization, a meaningful expressive space is formed. The furniture is statically expressed in a more concise way, balancing the relationship between visual sense and taste. The division and combination make a good rhythm of space, where everyone’s actions have a good interaction with space.
静静地倾听,Qing Coffee也许不会留存他们之间说过什么,却一定记住了那些话的味道,泛起的咖啡的余香,绵揉着三分之一咖啡般的人生阅历、三分之一牛浮般的内在修为,三分之一奶泡般的知性风情。邂逅,只不过是一杯咖啡的距离。
Listening quietly, Qing Coffee may not retain what they have said, but it must remember the taste of those words and the lingering aroma of coffee, which are mixed with one third of the coffee-like life experience, one third of the internal cultivation, and one third of the intellectual style like milk foam. Encounters are just in the distance of a cup of coffee.
The project covers an area of about 200 square meters. Before renovation, the space is relatively closed which makes it difficult to stand out in the busy Sanlitun area. The design emphasizes the openness of café. In this way, the passerby can see the inside of Qing Coffee, and the guests can have a view of outside world while sitting inside and enjoying the coffee.
When it comes to lighting, circular projection lamp is used to make each product perfectly presented. The round countertop made of white stone has precise cutting, making it clean, exquisite and upscale.
The partition wall is the connection between the left and right spaces which are not completely isolated but can be seen through the sequential small circular holes. The array arrangement showcases the artistry of space and integrates the two different expressions existing in the same space.
Project Name | 项目名称:Qing Coffee晴咖啡
Location | 项目地址:北京 · 三里屯
Area | 项目面积:300㎡
Design Company | 设计师公司:CUN寸DESIGN
Cheif Designer | 主创设计师:崔树 林孟丹
Photography | 摄影:王厅
2020 AD100 YOUNG 中国最具影响力100位建筑和室内设计新锐奖
2016 INTERIOR DESIGN 中文版封面人物
2016年作为最年轻的设计分享嘉宾于北大百年讲堂进行 《格调》主题分享
2016年成为最年轻获得Andrew Martin大奖的亚洲新面孔
2016年成为40 UNDER 40 中国设计杰出青年
2017年获得全球Architizer A+设计奖
2017年获得意大利A‘ Design奖
2018 年获得第十四届中国设计业十大杰出青年-光华龙腾奖
2018 年获得Architecture Press Release(APR)国际可持续建筑商业室内类别一等奖
2019 年获得第十二届佛罗伦萨双年展【达芬奇2019室内设计:金奖】
2020 年获得FX Design Awards「公共空间」奖
2020年获得A+ Awards 2020「商业展厅」空间类别奖
2020年获得APIDA 2020「设施及展览空间」空间类别奖
2020年入围英国SBID Awards
2020年获得美国Best of Year 荣誉奖
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