案例简介 Case description
Architecture is like the outer covering of the interior, with expression of entity. Interior is like content of the container, with expression of vacancy. It’s expected to create a space solving the problems of transportation system, construction system and space system by way of interior architecture.
壹同创意需要的是一个全民头脑风暴的基地,所以设计师通过内建筑的手法构筑出几个透明的盒子,就像“潘多拉的魔盒”,这是一个释放与激发设计师猎奇和冒险心理的空间。What TO GET THE need is a base for brainstorm. Designers aimed to create several transparent boxes through method of inner architecture, like Pandora’s Box. It’s expected to create a space of releasing and stimulating curiosity and risk.
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